Mankind is running behind a mad rush of perfection and modernization. But in this mad rush, people are leaving behind their family. Instead of family becoming a priority, it has taken back seat and that is the reason more and more people are getting divorced thus shooting up the divorce rate like never before. There are many reasons behind the freighting numbers of divorce. 

Reasons for getting divorce:
  • Lack of commitment toward marriage: A marriage dies when one of the spouse looses commitment toward marriage thus leading the marriage towards divorce.

  • Lack of communication: Minute issues can take a form of divorce in your marriage if you do not communicate things with your spouse. Communicating more freely with your spouse will take out any suppressed issue and avoid divorce.

  • Addiction: Addiction to any thing be it alcohol, work or narcotics drugs can lead to divorce. An addicted person can't ever be a part of a family. For them substance abuse is the only motto in life.

  • Abandonment: People often desert their family in chase of dreams or they get scared to live up to the responsibilities of the family and thus run away. In such cases, divorce plans are mostly uncontested divorce.

  • Domestic violence: Any kind of violence at home leads to divorce. Apart from physical abuse, mental, verbal and emotional abuse also comes under domestic violence .

  • Difference in religious views: Difference in religious view can lead to divorce. Often people from different religion get married but at times religious view conflicts taken place that leads to divorce.

  • Financial Problem: you need money to run your daily household show. If you don't have money then you can't manage your family. In this case, the other spouse looks for a better option or future and thus divorce papers comes into picture.

For more details about divorce and reasons of divorce,  you can visit